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Anti-Semitic moods on Odessa's streets.

On September 18, around 10 p.m. Haim Weitzman was walking down Malaya Arnautskaya and Belinskogo streets. There were many people on the street, nearby were two stores with securities. Also there was a group of young men who are spending plenty of time in that region, as it became known later from witnesses. One guy from that group came close to Haim from behind and stroked him on the head with words “I hate Jews!” Haim doesn.t know how many people were beating him. All this was going on not in the dark alley of park but on the good lighted street with lots of people witnessing the event. Bandits weren.t afraid of witnesses or that someone may try to defend Haim.
Haim called the police himself. Policemen weren.t very fast to find out what happened and didn.t even take to attention the witness, who named the bandit “Vitalik”. In the police department Haim, bleeding, with split lips and the concussion of the brain, for 40 minutes waited for someone to take his declaration about what actually happened. The argument of the officers was: “If he had something broken than may be...”
This accident is appearing in one row with anti-Semitic attacks in Moscow, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk. In one row with broken glass in Odessa synagogue, 5 previous attacks on religious Jews and anti-Semitic posters and signs on the streets of our city.

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