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financial situation in the Ulpan

I’d like to ask a number of questions connected with the financial situation in the Ulpan at the Representation of Jewish Agency “ Sokhnut” in Tbilisi , that I think demands serious inspection. The Ulpan director Rakhel Namtalashvili, produces the following data about the number of Ulpan students: 160 – 200 people. The Ulpan is financed on the basis of this number. Presently in Georgia live about 4000 Jews, and persons who have the right to repatriate. In the main these are people of elderly age: older than 55-60 years old. Only in Hesed “Eliahu” at Tbilisi Jewish house are registered more than 1500 people (older than 55 years old and need material help). Most of these people aren’t going to repatriate and they have no necessity to study Ivrit. Those who want to study, have their own teacher. The part of the above mentioned number of Jews and persons having the right to repatriate live not in Tbilisi , but in other Georgia regions. The number of people, that repatriated to Israel during the last years average 60 – 80 people a year with the exception in May-June 2008, when in the result of Russia aggression the number of repatriates to Israel was much bigger. Many of the repatriates were from the regions. It’s clear that in such a short period most of these people did not study Ivrit in the Ulpan. It must be taken into consideration that in Tbilisi people can study Ivrit not only in the Ulpian, but also in Sunday Jewish school, Jewish House and in other Jewish organizations. Proceeding from above-stated it’s not clear how the Ulpan students number can reach 160 -200.
According my observation the number of Ulpan students in different years isn’t more than 60 -100 people. This year because of the Russian aggression this number reached 118, but R. Natmtalashvli shows 190.
Also causes surprise the fact, that not less than 30 % of Ulpan students have no right to repatriate, that is have no Jewish roots. When receiving students to Ulpan R. Namtalashvili doesn’t demand documents, confirming their Jewish roots. According somebody’s advice the say without any proof, that their grandparents or great grandparents are Jews. Evidently that trying to increase the number of Ulpan students the head of the representation of Jewish agency Sokhnut in Tbilisi G. Brodsky and Ulpan director R. Namtalashvili don’t ask themselves the question: why do these people study Ivrit on the account of Israel budget maybe for illegal emigration?
Recently the Ulpan was left by more than 30 students in a protest against the illegal dismissal of the teacher A. Gilels. Then how many students are left? For what is spent the budget money for 9-12 groups in different years?
Proceeding from above stated, there are not many Jewish children in Georgia . Presently in Tbilisi function two Jewish secondary schools ( which are managed by Rabbis A. Rozenblat and M. Kozlovsky) and 3 Jewish kindergartens. The grate part of children, that want to receive the Jewish education study in these educational institutions. In spite of that fact R.Namtalashvili managed to get financing for one children group, then for the second one.
Recently was also opened the Sunday Jewish children school at the Representation. On the post of children teacher R. Namtalashvili took her close friend E. Shekhter – the invalid of the first ( the highest group) in vision, who enjoys all the corresponding privileges, including the social worker, that is given only to the people, that can’t serve themselves. Does such a person have a right to work with children? According the Georgian law such person can’t work at all.
The number of children in all 3 groups mentioned above makes up 5-6 people that are duplicated and attend the lessons irregularly. In the case of commission visit all the adult pupils are divided into two or three groups and are shown as groups having lessons exactly on this day. To crate the semblance of the number of children are brought pupils from the Jewish children schools( without informing the Rabbis: A. Rozenblat and M. Kozlovsky.
To my opinion it’s also necessary to check up the validity of payment the salary to the Ulpan teachers. The salaries are distributed by R. Namtalashvili) Are not there any additions of the lessons hours, additions of not clear workings off in the non-working time? What happens with the missed hours in the holidays? Are not they restored anyhow?
Seems strange the fact, that in June 2008 R. Namtalashvili said to Ulpian teachers ( as though according the instruction of G. Brodsky) that they must work during this month without salary. Where did disappear the budget for June 2008? Why did they work without salary?
Also seems strange the following fact: R. Namtalashvili as a staff worker in the Representation of J.A. “Sokhnut” in Georgia has high enough salary. In spite of this she writes out the salary for herself for her work with Ulpan students, though it takes place in the working time, that is already paid with her basic salary.
I hope to get answers to all my questions.
With respect Professor Pavel Iavich.

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